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Visit our Archive for a complete list of impact statements available by project number.
12 Days of Impacts
Improving Beef Cattle Genetic Evaluations
Thanksgiving Recipes for Success
Improving Agricultural Drainage
Rural Community Health & Resilience
Managing Controlled Environments Efficiently
Improving Beef Production in the South (S-1064 | 2014-2019)
Extension Impacts on Nutrition
Managing Onion Pests and Diseases
Raising Sheep & Goats in the Southeast
Benefits of Outdoor Recreation & Green Spaces
Preventing Financial Exploitation of Older Adults
Microbial Control of Insect Pests
Improving Wine Grapes
Improving Protective Gear
Managing Potato Viruses
Improving Precision Technology
Small Fruit Research
Controlling Respiratory Disease in Cattle (NC-1192 | 2011-2016)
Ensuring the Safety & Quality of Fresh-Cut Produce