Recent Impact Statements
Multistate Research Projects Address Avian Influenza (multiple projects featured)
Scientists at land-grant universities are working together to develop and share the information, tools, and strategies needed to prevent, detect, and manage avian influenza. https://bit.ly/MRF-birdflu #avianinfluenza #HPAI #birdflu
Restoring American Chestnut Trees (NE-1833)
American #chestnut trees have been devastated by blight. Discoveries, techniques & tools developed by land-grant universities are being used by scientists, foresters, orchardists, homeowners & others to support increased production & restoration of the iconic tree. bit.ly/ MRF-chestnut
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: Clemson University, The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Georgia, University of Kentucky, University of Maryland, Mississippi State University, University of New England, The State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Pennsylvania State University, Rutgers University, Shenandoah University, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga, West Virginia University, the USDA Forest Service and The American Chestnut Foundation. Previous and ongoing iterations of this project may include other participants.
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
National Pollinator Month
See/share all of our Impact Statements about pollinators.
Pollinators contribute to ecosystem health and a sustainable food supply. See how multistate research teams supported by @USDA_NIFA are protecting pollinators: https://www.mrfimpacts.org/impact-statements/categories/pollinators @USDAScience #PollinatorMonth
National Dairy Month
See/share all of our Impact Statements about dairy.
The Multistate Research Fund supports dairy research by collaborating land-grant universities. Working together, scientists are improving the efficiency of milk production, boosting cow welfare, reducing environmental impacts & more: http://bit.ly/MRF-dairy #NationalDairyMonth #NIFAimpact
Researchers at land-grant universities are working together to identify affordable feed products/strategies that improve dairy cow health, increase milk yield, and reduce emissions. https://bit.ly/MRF-DairyNutrition
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of California Statewide Administration, University of California-Davis, Cornell University, University of Delaware, University of Florida, University of Idaho, University of Illinois, Iowa State University, Kansas State University, University of Kentucky, University of Maryland, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, North Dakota State University, Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University, University of Tennessee, Utah State University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Washington State University, University of Wisconsin and partners at Cargill Inc. This project has been renewed and may now included additional participants.
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
Northeast Pasture Consortium (NEERA-1603)
Many dairy cows are raised on pastures. Led by land-grant universities, the Northeast Pasture Consortium brings together researchers, Extension, farmers, agribusiness, government agencies and others to improve pasture systems in the northeastern U.S. Research and outreach on grazing practices, animal husbandry, and forage varieties are helping pasture-based farmers make sustainable decisions and produce high quality products: https://bit.ly/MRF-NEPC #NationalDairyMonth
Scientists from @COLSA_UNH @UVMCALS @UMaineNSFA & @CornellCALS made discoveries about the health benefits of pasture-produced milk, which could increase demand & prices, helping dairies stay in business. https://bit.ly/MRF-NEPC #NationalDairyMonth
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: Cornell University, University of Connecticut, Maine Cooperative Extension, University of Maryland, University of Massachusetts, University of New Hampshire, Pennsylvania State University, University of Vermont, West Virginia University, and the USDA-ARS, USDA Eastern Regional Research Center, and USDA-NRCS.
This project has been renewed and may now included additional participants.
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
National Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Month
See/share all of our Impact Statements about fruits/vegetables.
With @USDA_NIFA funding, land-grant universities across the U.S. are collaborating to improve fruit/vegetable production and marketing and to better understand the health benefits of fresh produce: https://mrfimpacts.org/impact-statements/categories/fruits-vegetables
A multidisciplinary, multistate team is assessing consumer preferences for fruits and vegetables, helping farmers label products, ensuring food safety, and improving consumer access to fresh produce: http://bit.ly/Marketing-Produce
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: Clemson University, Colorado State University, Cornell University, University of Delaware, District of Columbia Cooperative Extension, University of Florida, University of Georgia, University of Illinois, Kansas State University, Kentucky Cooperative Extension, University of Maine, Mississippi State University, University of Missouri, University of Nebraska, North Carolina State University, North Dakota State University, Ohio State University, Oregon State University, Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University, Rutgers University, University of Tennessee, Texas A&M University, Utah State University, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Washington State University, University of Wisconsin. This project has been renewed and may now included additional participants.
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
National Employee Wellness Month
See/share all of our Impact Statements about human health/nutrition/wellbeing.
It’s #EmployeeWellness month! See how multistate research projects support human health and wellbeing: https://bit.ly/MRF-Health
Improving Protective Gear (NC-170)
June is #NationalEmployeeWellnessMonth! See how scientists from 10+ land-grant universities are improving protective gear for hazardous jobs: http://bit.ly/MRF-PPE #wellness #EmployeeWellness
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: Baylor College, Buffalo State College, University of California-Davis, Colorado State University, Cornell University, University of Hawaii, Iowa State University, Kansas State University, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, University of Minnesota, University of Missouri, Oklahoma State University, University of Oregon, and Washington State University. This project has been renewed and may now included additional participants.
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
National Safety Month
Agricultural Safety and Health Research and Extension (NCERA-197)
For over 20 years, a @USDA_NIFA-funded team of experts at land-grant universities has conducted research & outreach and guided engineering & legislation that protect farmer health & safety. See the impacts of this Hatch Multistate project: https://bit.ly/ag-safety-health #agsafety #SafetyMonth
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of California-Davis, University of Illinois, Iowa State University, Kansas State University, University of Kentucky, University of Missouri, University of Nebraska, Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University, University of Tennessee, Utah State University, West Virginia University, University of Wisconsin. Other partners include AgSafe BC, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, Canadian Agricultural Safety Association, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health. This project has been renewed and may now included additional participants.
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
June 1: World Milk Day
Got milk research? We do! Administered by @USDA_NIFA, the Multistate Research Fund supports many multidisciplinary projects about #dairy. Working together, land-grant universities are improving the production and quality of milk. Learn more: http://bit.ly/MRF-dairy #WorldMilkDay #EnjoyDairy #AgIsAmerica
June 5: World Environment Day
This year's #WorldEnvironmentDay theme is "Our land. Our future." See how @USDA_NIFA-supported land-grant universities are working together to reduce the environmental impacts of agriculture and advance regenerative, climate-resilient agricultural practices: https://bit.ly/MRFenvironment #GenerationRestoration
June 6: Higher Education Day
Emphasizing STEM in High School Ag Education (S-1071)
A multistate team is working to incorporate #STEM into high school agriculture education. This ensures students have the skills & knowledge needed for college & career success in agriculture. https://bit.ly/STEMAgEd
#NationalHigherEducationDay #highered
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: Clemson University, University of Florida, University of Georgia, University of Idaho, Kansas State University, Louisiana State University, Michigan State University, Oregon State University, Pennsylvania State University, South Dakota State University, Utah State University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, West Virginia University. This project has been renewed and may now included additional participants.
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
Supporting Healthy Habits Among Young Adults (NC-1193)
On #NationalHigherEducationDay, learn how a multistate team is helping to make college campus environments healthier for students: https://bit.ly/HealthyYoungAdults #highered
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: Auburn University, University of Florida, Kansas State University, University of Kentucky, University of Maine, Mississippi State University, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of New Hampshire, University of Rhode Island, Rutgers University, South Dakota State University, Syracuse University, University of Tennessee, West Virginia University. This project has been renewed and may now included additional participants.
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
June 7: World Food Safety Day
See/share all our Impact Statements about food safety.
Foodborne illnesses are a threat to human health & economies. Multidisciplinary, multistate projects have found new ways to prevent, detect & manage the pathogens that cause foodborne illnesses: https://bit.ly/MRF-FoodSafety @USDA_NIFA #WorldFoodSafetyDay #FoodSafety #SafeFood
June 8: World Ocean Day
See/share a series of graphics about water and climate change.
A healthy ocean and healthy climate go hand in hand. See how land-grant universities are working together to address these challenges: https://bit.ly/MRF-WaterClimateChange #WorldOceanDay
Improving Drainage Management on Agricultural Lands (NCERA-217)
Scientists at land-grant universities, @USDA & @EPA are developing tools & strategies to keep chemicals from draining off fields into the Gulf of Mexico, where they create a dead zone: https://bit.ly/MRF-Drainage #WorldOceanDay
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: Cornell University, University of Georgia, University of Illinois, Iowa State University, University of Kentucky, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, University of Missouri, North Carolina State University, North Dakota State University, Purdue University, South Dakota State University, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University along with the USDA-ARS and USDA-NRCS. This project has been renewed and may now included additional participants.
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
Climate-Resilient Septic Systems (NE-1545)
Land-grant universities are helping protect our oceans. For example, @uricels scientists showed that advanced septic systems can significantly reduce the amount of nitrogen that enters coastal waters. Learn more: http://bit.ly/MRF-SepticSystems #WorldOceanDay
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of Arizona, Cornell University, University of Georgia, Georgia Cooperative Extension, University of Kentucky, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, North Carolina State University, Ohio Cooperative Extension, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension, University of Rhode Island, Rhode Island Cooperative Extension, Rutgers University, University of Tennessee. This project has been renewed and may now included additional participants.
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
June 23-25: ACE Conference
Throughout the conference of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life & Human Sciences, @MRFimpacts & others will be tweeting comments on sessions, best practices for #scicomm & more. Stay tuned! #ACEBigIdeas2024
June 19: Juneteenth National Independence Day
#Juneteenth commemorates the emancipation of African American slaves. Today, we celebrate the achievements of historically Black colleges, African American scientists, and their work to make the world a better place: https://bit.ly/MRF-HBCUs @USDA_NIFA @USDAScience
June 19-25: National Pollinator Week
See/share all of our Impact Statements about pollinators.
Pollinators contribute to ecosystem health and a sustainable food supply. See how multistate research teams supported by @USDA_NIFA are protecting pollinators: https://www.mrfimpacts.org/impact-statements/categories/pollinators @USDAScience #PollinatorMonth
Sustainable Solutions to Bee Health (NC-1173)
As part of a multistate project on honey bee health, @PurdueAg bred honey bees with increased tendency to bite and remove mites from their bodies, which could eliminate the need for miticides. https://bit.ly/MRF-Bees #PollinatorWeek #savethebees
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of Arkansas, University of Connecticut-New Haven, Cornell University, University of Florida, University of Georgia, University of Illinois, Illinois Cooperative Extension, Iowa State University, University of Maine, University of Massachusetts, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, Montana State University, University of Nebraska, University of New Hampshire, North Carolina State University, Ohio State University, Oregon State University, Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University, Rutgers University, Tennessee Cooperative Extension, Texas AgriLife Research, Washington State University, and University of Wisconsin. This project was renewed and may included additional participants.
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
Understanding & Mitigating the Impacts of Agrochemicals (W-4045)
As part of a multistate project, @MSUCollegeofAg & @wsucahnrs studied the effects of pesticides on #bees & @ucdaviscaes developed a fiber that detects neonicotinoids, a common type of insecticide, in nectar & sap. Learn more: https://bit.ly/MRF-agrochemicals #SaveTheBees #PollinatorWeek
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of California-Davis, University of California-Riverside, University of Connecticut, Cornell University, University of Florida, University of Hawaii, University of Illinois, University of Kentucky, Louisiana State University, University of Maryland, University of Massachusetts, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, University of Missouri, Montana State University, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of Nevada, Reno, North Carolina State University, Ohio State University, Oklahoma State University, Oregon State University, Purdue University, Rutgers University, South Dakota State University, Texas AgriLife Research, Virginia Tech, Washington State University, University of Wisconsin, and the USDA-ARS. This project has been renewed and may now included additional participants.
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
Controlling Pests While Protecting Pollinators (NE-1501)
As part of a multistate project on chemical signals between pests, plants & pollinators, @ucdavisCAES identified floral chemistry & microbial traits that affect the patterns & preferences of hummingbirds & bees: https://bit.ly/chemical-ecology #PollinatorWeek #NIFAimpacts #savethebees
Scientists at land-grant universities are finding new ways to protect bees. For example, @CAFE_UMass found that exposure to pollen from sunflowers can reduce pathogen infection in bumblebees. https://bit.ly/chemical-ecology #PollinatorWeek #savethebees
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of California, Cornell University, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Delaware Cooperative Extension, University of Illinois, Louisiana State University, University of Massachusetts, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, Mississippi State University, University of Nebraska, University of New Hampshire, North Carolina Cooperative Extension, Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University, Rutgers University, University of Vermont, and Virginia Tech. This project was renewed in 2020, and may included additional participants.
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
June 27: National Onion Day
Managing Onion Pests & Diseases (W-2008)
Onions are widely grown and consumed in the U.S. Research-based management practices are helping onion growers protect yields from pests and save hundreds of dollars per acre: https://bit.ly/onion-pests #NIFAimpacts #NationalOnionDay
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of California-Riverside, Colorado State University, Cornell University, University of Georgia, University of Idaho, New Mexico State University, Oregon State University, Pennsylvania State University, Texas A&M University, Utah State University, Washington State University, University of Wisconsin, and the USDA-ARS. This project was renewed in 2020, and may included additional participants.
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
How to use this toolkit?​
This toolkit shares Hatch Multistate projects that are related to timely themes and priority topics as well as materials and sample social media posts you may use to promote the projects. You may adapt the sample posts as as needed.
We encourage you to share our projects and materials in any way you see fit. For example:
Social media
Web stories
Grant proposals
Annual reports
Media interviews
Town halls
Congressional testimony
Extension events
Hashtags & Handles
Don't forget visuals!
Social media posts and other types of communication products get more engagement if they include photos or other visual aids.
Search your libraries or the following free image libraries: USDA Flickr, USDA-ARS Image Gallery, Unsplash.
Make sure diagrams or charts can be understood quickly.
Provide attribution as needed.