​​Recent Impact Statements
Controlled Environment Technology and Use (NCERA-101)
This project was the North Central Region nominee for the 2024 agInnovation Excellence in Multistate Research Award.
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of Alaska, University of Arizona, Brigham Young University, University of California, Clemson University, University of Connecticut, Cornell University, University of Delaware, Duke University, University of Florida, University of Georgia, University of Guelph, University of Hawaii, University of Illinois, Iowa State University, Kansas State University, University of Maryland, McGill University, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, NASA - Ames Research Center, NASA - Kennedy Space Center, North Carolina State University, Ohio State University, Penn State University, Purdue University, Rutgers University, University of Tennessee, Texas A&M University, USDA-ARS, Utah State University, West Virginia University, University of Wisconsin, University of Wyoming. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. ​Learn more: controlledenvironments.org.
Sample posts:
For 40+ years, a multistate research & Extension committee has worked to optimize the design & operation of controlled environments to ensure efficient resource use & sustainable crop production. Controlled environments are also essential for research & education. bit.ly/MRF-controlledenvironments @USDA_NIFA @AgIsAmerica
See more sample posts here.
Understanding and Mitigating the Impacts of Agrochemicals (W-4045)​
This project was the Western Region nominee for the 2024 agInnovation Excellence in Multistate Research Award.
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of California-Davis, University of California-Riverside, University of Connecticut, Cornell University, University of Florida, University of Hawaii, University of Illinois, University of Kentucky, Louisiana State University, University of Maryland, University of Massachusetts, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, University of Missouri, Montana State University, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of Nevada, Reno, North Carolina State University, Ohio State University, Oklahoma State University, Oregon State University, Purdue University, Rutgers University, South Dakota State University, Texas AgriLife Research, Virginia Tech, Washington State University, University of Wisconsin, USDA-ARS. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. ​Learn more: bit.ly/W4045
Sample posts:
Researchers from 20+ Agricultural Experiment Stations are studying the fate of agrochemicals (pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, microplastics, etc.) and developing ways to mitigate their adverse impacts on organisms and ecosystems: bit.ly/MRF-Agrochemicals
A @USDA_NIFA-supported Hatch Multistate team has provided information about agrochemicals to farmers, government agencies, manufacturers & others, helping them make prudent decisions that minimize adverse impacts, while maximizing crop yield and quality: bit.ly/MRF-Agrochemicals
The Genetics of Immunity and Resistance to Avian Diseases (NE-2334)
This project was the Northeast Region nominee for the 2024 agInnovation Excellence in Multistate Research Award.
Sample posts:
Avian diseases pose a major challenge to poultry production. Scientists at land-grant universities have shed light on #poultry genetics & identified breeding strategies, vaccines, feed amendments & other ways to improve poultry immunity & resistance to diseases: bit.ly/MRF-poultry-genetics @USDA_NIFA @AgIsAmerica
Managing avian diseases is complex. See how a multistate project brings together researchers from different disciplines and states to conduct efficient, innovative research on #poultry genetics, immunity & disease resistance: bit.ly/MRF-poultry-genetics @NERASAES #NERASAES #PromotingCollaboration
​​October 4: World Animal Day
See/share our Impact Statements for projects on animal health and welfare.
Sample posts:
It’s #WorldAnimalDay! See how discoveries by multistate research projects are supporting farm animal health and welfare: https://www.mrfimpacts.org/impact-statements/categories/animal-health-welfare. These projects are led by #landgrantuniversities and supported in part by @USDA_NIFA. @USDAScience @worldanimalday
It’s #WorldAnimalDay! See how multistate research and Extension are helping create a harmonious relationship between agriculture, rural communities, and #wildlife: https://www.mrfimpacts.org/single-post/these-impacts-are-wild @worldanimalday
​​October 12: National Farmers Day
Sample posts:
Happy #NationalFarmersDay! See how collaborative research and Extension projects support farmers, ensuring they can safely, successfully, and sustainably produce quality crops and livestock for our food, textiles, fuels, and more: https://www.mrfimpacts.org/impact-statements @AgIsAmerica @USDA_NIFA
​​October 16: World Food Day
See/share our Impact Statements for projects on food security.
Sample posts:
It’s #WorldFoodDay! See how @USDA_NIFA-supported multistate research projects help sustain food production and ensure that everyone, everywhere has regular access to enough nutritious food: https://www.mrfimpacts.org/impact-statements/categories/food-security @USDAScience @FAO @AgIsAmerica
Research & Extension to Support Local Food Systems (SERA-47)
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: Auburn University, University of California, Davis, Cornell University, University of Florida, University of Georgia, University of Hawaii, University of Idaho, Kansas State University, New Mexico State University, Oregon State University, University of Puerto Rico, Texas AgriLife Research. This project has been renewed and may now included additional participants. Find project details in the NIMSS database here or on the project website here.
Sample posts:
Strengthening local food systems can improve food access, farmer profitability, economic stability & community vitality. See how land-grant universities across the South are spearheading innovative research & Extension. https://bit.ly/MRF-localfoods #WorldFoodDay #localfood @USDA_NIFA @AgIsAmerica @Ext100Years @FAO
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: Clemson University, Colorado State University, Cornell University, University of Delaware, District of Columbia Cooperative Extension, University of Florida, University of Georgia, University of Illinois, Kansas State University, Kentucky Cooperative Extension, University of Maine, Mississippi State University, University of Missouri, University of Nebraska, North Carolina State University, North Dakota State University, Ohio State University, Oregon State University, Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University, Rutgers University, University of Tennessee, Texas A&M University, Utah State University, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Washington State University, University of Wisconsin. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. ​Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
Sample posts:
Land-grant university research affects food availability in many ways. For example, a multistate team is assessing consumer preferences, helping farmers label products, ensuring food safety, developing farmers markets for low-income areas & food deserts, and more. http://bit.ly/Marketing-Produce @AgIsAmerica @USDA_NIFA @FAO​​​
September 15-October 15: Hispanic Heritage Month
Changes in Rural Areas (W-4001)
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: Auburn University, Brigham Young University, University of Connecticut, Cornell University, University of Illinois, Iowa State University, Kansas State University, Louisiana State University, Macalester College, McGill University, Michigan Tech University, Middlebury College, University of Minnesota, University of Mississippi, University of Missouri, Montana State University, University of Montana, University of Nevada-Reno, University of New Hampshire, Ohio State University, Oregon State University, Pennsylvania State University, Syracuse University, University of Texas at San Antonio, Utah State University, Washington State University, University of Wisconsin, and the USDA ERS. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. ​Find project details and participant info in the NIMSS database here.
Sample post:
Research helps identify challenges communities face--and solutions. For example, studies found that Hispanic Americans in rural areas with small, rapidly growing Hispanic populations have more barriers to healthcare access: https://bit.ly/rural-change #HispanicHeritageMonth #RuralAmerica​
National Apple Month
​Protecting Fresh Fruit Shelf Life & Quality (NE-1336)
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: Auburn University, University of California-Davis, Cornell University, University of Florida, University of Hawaii, University of Maine, University of Maryland, University of Massachusetts, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, Mississippi State University, North Carolina State University, , Rutgers University, Washington State University, as well as Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and the USDA ARS. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. ​Find project details in the NIMSS database here.
Sample posts:
A multistate team of researchers is finding ways to enhance fruit shelf life & quality. Growers are using recommended treatments & conditioning protocols to store apple crops worth tens of millions of dollars. Learn more: http://bit.ly/MRF-ShelfLife #NationalAppleMonth #PromotingCollaboration @NERASAES @USDA_NIFA
Part of a broader multistate project on fruit shelf life, @CornellCALS studies showed that dynamic controlled atmosphere storage significantly delays stem end flesh browning in Gala apples. Learn more: http://bit.ly/MRF-ShelfLife #NationalAppleMonth #NIFAimpacts
Automation for Specialty Crops (W-2009)
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of Arizona, Auburn University, University of California-Davis, Colorado State University, University of Florida, University of Georgia, University of Hawaii, Iowa State University, University of Kentucky, Michigan State University, Mississippi State University, Oklahoma State University, Oregon State University, Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania Cooperative Extension, Texas AgriLife Research, Washington State University, Washington Cooperative Extension, and West Virginia University. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. ​Find project details and participant info in the NIMSS database here.
Sample posts:
As part of a multistate team developing automated machines for farms, @agsciences designed a mechanized device for #apple harvest that eliminated ladder falls and increased the number of apples harvested per second by 50%. https://bit.ly/MRF-Automation #NationalAppleMonth @USDA_NIFA @AgIsAmerica
Improving Fruit Tree Rootstocks (NC-140)
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: Auburn University, University of Arkansas, University of California, Davis, California Cooperative Extension, Clemson University, Colorado State University, Cornell University, University of Georgia, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, University of Idaho, University of Illinois, Iowa State University, University of Kentucky, University of Maine, University of Maryland, University of Massachusetts, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, University of Missouri, New Mexico State University, North Carolina State University, Ohio State University, Oregon State University, Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University, Rutgers University, Utah State University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Washington State University, University of Wisconsin, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, British Columbia, Canada, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, New Brunswick, Canada, Atlantic Food and Agric-Food, Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada, Center for Advanced Studies in Fruit Production, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agricolas y Pecuarias (National Institute of Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock Research), Mexico, USDA-ARS, USDA-ARS Plant Genetic Resources Unit. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. ​Find project details and participant info in the NIMSS database here.
Sample posts:
Past work by a multistate project improving fruit tree rootstocks led to a 20% increase in apple yields and enhanced apple size 10%, providing estimated economic gains of $200 million. Learn more: http://bit.ly/MRF-fruittrees #NationalAppleMonth #AgisAmerica #NIFAimpacts
Research & Extension has helped apple growers transition from large apple trees spaced far apart to compact rows of high-yielding, small trees, making orchard maintenance & harvest easier and increasing profitability. http://bit.ly/MRF-fruittrees #NationalAppleMonth #AgisAmerica #NIFAimpacts
National Pork Month
See/share all of our Impact Statements on swine production and pork quality.
Sample posts:
It's #NationalPorkMonth! See how researchers at land-grant universities across the country are working together to improve swine management, protect swine welfare, and improve pork quality: https://bit.ly/MRF-swine #porktober @USDA_NIFA @AgisAmerica
Improving Meat Production (NC-1184)
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of Arkansas, Auburn University, University of California, Davis, University of Connecticut, University of Florida, University of Georgia, University of Hawaii, University of Idaho, University of Illinois, Iowa State University, Kansas State University, Louisiana State University, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, Mississippi State University, University of Missouri, University of Nebraska, North Carolina State University, North Dakota State University, Ohio State University, Oklahoma State University, Purdue University, University of Rhode Island, Rutgers University, South Dakota State University, Texas A&M University, Texas Tech University, Utah State University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Washington State University, University of Wisconsin. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. ​Project details available in the NIMSS database here.
Sample posts:
As part of a multistate research project on meat quality, researchers found that a vitamin B3 analogue can stabilize the color of pork cuts. https://bit.ly/MRF-ImprovingMeat #NationalPorkMonth #porktober @USDA_NIFA @AgisAmerica
Improving Swine Management & Welfare (NCERA-219)
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of Illinois, Iowa State University, Kansas State University, University of Kentucky, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, University of Missouri, University of Nebraska, North Dakota State University, Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University, South Dakota State University, and Southern Illinois University. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. ​Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
Sample posts:
A multistate team of scientists found that decreasing swine nursery temps overnight can reduce energy costs without harming swine performance or welfare. This could save the industry millions per year and reduce CO2 emissions. https://bit.ly/swinewelfare #NationalPorkMonth #porktober
Mitigating Stress in Farm Animals (W-3173)
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of Arizona, Auburn University, University of California, Davis, Colorado State University, Cornell University, University of Delaware, University of Florida, University of Georgia, Kansas State University, University of Kentucky, University of Illinois, Maryland Cooperative Extension, University of Minnesota, Mississippi State University, University of Missouri, Montana State University, University of Nebraska, North Carolina State University, Oregon State University, Pennsylvania State University, University of Puerto Rico, South Dakota State University, University of Tennessee, Texas AgriLife Research, Utah State University, Virginia Tech, Washington State University, University of Wisconsin, University of Queensland, New Zealand - Ruakura Research Centre, USDA-ARS. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. ​Project details available in the NIMSS database here.
Sample posts:
Swine welfare is important to many pork consumers. As part of a multistate team working to reduce animal stress @USDA_ARS found that replacing dietary antibiotics with a natural amino acid helps swine cope with stress, improves well-being & productivity & reduces feed costs for producers by 18%. https://bit.ly/ animal-stress #NationalPorkMonth #porktober
Swine welfare is important to many pork consumers. As part of a multistate project, @USDA_ARS developed automated handling methods that decrease stress when swine are loaded for transport and @CFANS found ways to prevent tail biting among swine without docking the tail. https://bit.ly/ animal-stress #NationalPorkMonth #porktober
National Seafood Month
​Managing Fisheries & Aquaculture (W-3004)
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of Alaska Fairbanks, Auburn University, Clemson University, University of Connecticut, University of Florida, University of Guam, University of Idaho, Iowa State University, Louisiana State University, Mississippi State University, Purdue University, University of Rhode Island, Virginia Tech. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. ​Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
Sample posts:​
It’s #NationalSeafoodMonth! See how researchers at land-grant universities are improving management, trade, and marketing strategies for aquaculture and capture fisheries: https://bit.ly/MRF-fisheries #fish #aquaculture #seafood @USDA_NIFA @AgIsAmerica
Scientists at land-grant universities are helping expand seafood markets. For example, scientists at @uafairbanks helped fishermen explore the potential to market Alaskan seafood to local school cafeterias. https://bit.ly/MRF-fisheries #NationalSeafoodMonth #NIFAimpacts
Researchers found ways oyster farmers can shield themselves from adverse impacts when a neighboring farm is linked to a foodborne illness outbreak. See other ways scientists are improving management and marketing in the seafood industry: https://bit.ly/MRF-fisheries #NationalSeafoodMonth #NIFAimpacts
To help sustain seafood production, researchers are studying environmental issues related to fisheries, including the impacts of invasive species and oil spills. Learn more: https://bit.ly/MRF-fisheries #NationalSeafoodMonth #NIFAimpacts
Harvest Season
Sample post:
Harvest season for many major U.S. crops is in full swing. See how @USDA_NIFA-supported multistate research projects help ensure bountiful crops: https://www.mrfimpacts.org/impact-statements/categories/crop-yield-quality @AgIsAmerica
How to use this toolkit?​
This toolkit shares Hatch Multistate projects that are related to timely themes and priority topics as well as materials and sample social media posts you may use to promote the projects. You may adapt the sample posts as as needed.
We encourage you to share our projects and materials in any way you see fit. For example:
Social media
Web stories
Grant proposals
Annual reports
Media interviews
Town halls
Congressional testimony
Extension events
Hashtags & Handles

Don't forget visuals!
Social media posts and other types of communication products get more engagement if they include photos or other visual aids.
Search your libraries or the following free image libraries: USDA Flickr, USDA-ARS Image Gallery, Unsplash.
Make sure diagrams or charts can be understood quickly.
Provide attribution as needed.