​​Recent Impact Statements
Predicting and Mitigating Pollutants in Watersheds (S-1089)
This project was the Southern Region's nominee for agInnovation's 2024 Excellence in Multistate Research Award.
Sample post:
Best management practices (BMPs) help mitigate nonpoint source #pollution that impairs water quality. A multistate research project is developing data, models & monitoring techniques to detect water quality issues & improve BMPs. Read about their impacts: @SouthernAES
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: Auburn University, University of Delaware, University of Florida, Florida Cooperative Extension, University of Georgia, University of Illinois, Iowa State University, Kansas State University, University of Kentucky, University of Maryland, Mississippi State University, University of Missouri, North Carolina State University, Oklahoma State University, Oregon State University, Pennsylvania State University, University of Rhode Island, South Dakota State University, University of Tennessee, Texas A&M University, University of Vermont, Virginia Tech. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. Participants may receive funding from additional sources. ​Project and participant details:​
Food Security ​
See/share our projects enhancing food security
​Sample post:
Scientists at land-grant universities are working to improve food production, access, and affordability. See how Hatch Multistate research projects bring together researchers in different states to put good food on every table: @AgIsAmerica @USDA_NIFA
Food Safety​
See/share our projects tackling food safety
​Sample post:
~48 million cases of foodborne illness occur each year in the U.S. See how scientists at land-grant universities are working together to improve prevention, detection, and management of foodborne pathogens so that consumers can enjoy safe food: @AgIsAmerica @USDA_NIFA
National Pear Month​
Protecting Fresh Fruit Shelf Life & Quality (NE-1336)
Sample posts:
After adopting a recommended storage strategy, a major local pear packer in the Pacific Northwest documented a nearly $2,000,000 annual increase in market value and almost $800,000 reduction in repacking costs for a single pear variety. Learn more:
Based on research from a multistate project on fresh fruit quality, the California #pear industry is now combining various methods to effectively reduce scald, a disorder that affects pears during post-harvest storage. Learn more:
Land-grant universities participating in this project: Auburn University, University of California-Davis, Cornell University, University of Florida, University of Hawaii, University of Maine, University of Maryland, University of Massachusetts, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, Mississippi State University, North Carolina State University, , Rutgers University, Washington State University, as well as Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and the USDA ARS. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. ​Project and participant details:
​​December 5: World Soil Day
See/share a slideshow featuring projects on soil health
See/share our YouTube video featuring projects on soil health
​Sample post:
Healthy soils are essential for food security. This year's #WorldSoilDay emphasizes the importance of monitoring soils. See how @USDA_NIFA-supported multistate projects are providing data & tools that facilitate sustainable soil management. @FAO
Soil Amendments and Soil Fertility Management Programs (NCERA-103)
​Sample post:
Using fertilizers and soil amendments is vital for crop production. A multistate committee has played a key role in testing new products, evaluating soil fertility management strategies, and sharing information with farmers across the North Central US: @NCRegionalAssoc #WorldSoilDay​
Land-grant universities participating in this project: University of Illinois, Kansas State University, Kentucky Cooperative Extension, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, University of Missouri, University of Nebraska, Ohio State University, South Dakota State University, University of Wisconsin. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. ​Project and participant details:
Carbon Dynamics & Hydromorphology in Depressional Wetland Systems (NE-1938)
​Sample posts:
To manage carbon emissions, scientists & policymakers must have dependable & accurate information on carbon stocks & fluxes. A multistate research project is providing critical information about the carbon dynamics of vernal pool wetlands across the northeastern US: @NERASAES #PromotingCollaboration
Over the past two decades, soil scientists working as part of a Multistate Research Project improved data, mapping & modeling of wetland soils, which used to be difficult to sample & under-represented in the national soils database. The project's info & tools have been critical to assessing the impacts these soils have on ecosystem services & have been used by agencies such as @USDA @EPA & @USACEHQ. Learn more: #WorldSoilDay
Land-grant universities participating in this project: Alabama A&M University, California Cooperative Extension, University of Delaware, University of Kentucky, University of Maryland, University of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania State University, University of Rhode Island, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, West Virginia University. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. ​Project and participant details:
Soil, Water & Environmental Physics (W-4188)
​Sample posts:
For 60+ years, researchers from 24+ State Agricultural Experiment Stations have worked together to understand, model & monitor how water, energy, & nutrients move through & interact with soil. The project's new models, methods, sensors, data loggers & other products are used worldwide. #WorldSoilDay
Soil physics data and tools produced by a multistate project have been used to reduce agricultural runoff, predict drought, design infrastructure that reduces flood risks, identify ways to safely store nuclear waste, and develop techniques that minimize dust and contaminated water drainage from mine tailings. #WorldSoilDay
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of Arizona, University of California-Berkeley, University of California-Davis, University of California-Riverside, Colorado State University, University of Delaware, University of Idaho, Iowa State University, University of Kentucky, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, Montana State University, University of Nevada-Reno, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, Desert Research Institute, New Mexico State University, North Carolina State University, North Dakota State University, Oklahoma State University, Oregon State University, Pennsylvania State University, University of Tennessee, University of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M University, Texas Tech University, Utah State University, Virginia Tech, Washington State University, University of Wisconsin, University of Wyoming, USDA-ARS/ California and USDA-ARS/Texas. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. Project and participant details:
Particulate Matter Affecting Air, Water & Soil (NC-1187)
​Sample posts:
To better understand how particulates move through & affect soils, researchers at @cafnr @VTCals @KStateag @UDcanr @RutgersSEBS & other land-grant universities designed new tools for molecular & microscopic analysis & conducted field studies. Findings have helped guide soil management that protects agricultural production & human health. #WorldSoilDay
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: Auburn University, University of California-Berkeley, University of Delaware, University of Idaho, University of Illinois, Kansas State University, Michigan State University, University of Missouri, University of Nebraska, Rutgers University, Texas A&M University, Virginia Tech University, University of Wisconsin. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. Project and participant details:​​
Managing Soil Microbes (W-3147)
​Sample post:
Plants depend on microbes in the soil for growth, but some microbes damage plants. Each year in the U.S. losses due to soilborne microbes are estimated at over $10 billion. As part of a multistate research project on managing soil microbes, researchers are using next-generation DNA sequencing to quickly identify the entire bacterial or fungal community in a soil sample and to count & track specific kinds of fungi & bacteria even when thousands of other microbes are present. These advances in soil sampling are important for understanding soil health. See other project impacts: #WorldSoilDay
Land-grant universities participating in this project: University of California-Davis, University of California-Riverside, Cornell University, University of Delaware, University of Illinois, Kansas State University, University of Maine, University of Maryland, University of Minnesota, Mississippi State University, Montana State University, University of Nebraska, University of New Hampshire, New Mexico State University, Oklahoma State University, Oregon State University, Rutgers University, Texas AgriLife Research, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, University of Washington, Washington State University, University of Wisconsin, and the USDA-ARS. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. ​Project and participant details:
Managing Nematodes in the Midwest (NC-1197)
​Sample posts:
New soil sampling methods, guidelines & diagnostic tools have provided soil data that help growers manage soil health to suppress nematodes & boost crop yields across the Midwest. #WorldSoilDay @NCRegionalAssoc
Land-grant universities participating in this project: University of Arkansas, University of Illinois, Iowa State University, Kansas State University, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, University of Missouri, North Dakota State University, Ohio State University, Purdue University, University of Wisconsin, and the USDA-ARS. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. ​Project and participant details:
December 21: First Day of Winter
Sample post:
Snow is pretty, but it can be dirty. Pollutants in the atmosphere fall back to the ground in snow and can accumulate in soil, water & plants. Run by land-grant university researchers, the @NADProgram provides national deposition monitoring: #WinterSolstice @USDA_NIFA @AgIsAmerica
​​December 25: Christmas Day
Sample post:
#MerryChristmas! See how @USDA_NIFA-supported Hatch Multistate research projects affect the production, quality, and safety of our holiday feasts: #HappyHolidays @AgIsAmerica
​​December 31: New Year's Eve
Sample post:
Let's toast to the New Year and the research that’s making it easier for American farmers to grow high-quality wine grapes! Read about their impacts: #NYE2024 #Cheers @NERASAES
Cheers to the New Year and the research behind your glass of beer. For example, @WSUCAHNRS designed a robotic hop twining machine, which will cut labor costs. Other researchers found ways to prevent mycotoxin infections in barley malt. @CSUAgSci research on the effects of market structure and regulations on beer sales is helping states consider new policies. Learn more:
How to use this toolkit?​
This toolkit shares Hatch Multistate projects that are related to timely themes and priority topics as well as materials and sample social media posts you may use to promote the projects. You may adapt the sample posts as as needed.
We encourage you to share our projects and materials in any way you see fit. For example:
Social media
Web stories
Grant proposals
Annual reports
Media interviews
Town halls
Congressional testimony
Extension events
Hashtags & Handles

Don't forget visuals!
Social media posts and other types of communication products get more engagement if they include photos or other visual aids.
Search your libraries or the following free image libraries: USDA Flickr, USDA-ARS Image Gallery, Unsplash.
Make sure diagrams or charts can be understood quickly.
Provide attribution as needed.