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​​August 3: National Watermelon Day


Watermelons with hollow heart are safe & tasty but many consumers are afraid to eat them. As part of a multistate project, @NCStateCALS identified varieties that resist hollow heart. See other ways research is improving fruit quality: #watermelon


August 4-10: Farmers Market Week

Marketing Produce (S-1067)


It’s #FarmersMarketWeek! A team of land-grant universities is helping growers boost sales. For example, workshops helped 900 farmers & farmers market managers set prices for produce. 1 year later, 75% had increased customer base & sales. @AgIsAmerica @USDA_NIFA

Multistate research affects #FarmersMarkets in many ways. Research teams are assessing consumer preferences, helping farmers label products, ensuring food safety, developing farmers markets for low-income areas & food deserts, and more. @AgIsAmerica @USDA_NIFA

As part of a Hatch Multistate project on marketing, @UKAgriculture @CSUAgSci & @UTIAg found that biweekly pop-ups selling local fresh produce at a sliding scale have improved food access for low-income communities. #FarmersMarketWeek @AgIsAmerica @USDA_NIFA


Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project:  Clemson University, Colorado State University, Cornell University, University of Delaware, District of Columbia Cooperative Extension, University of Florida, University of Georgia, University of Illinois, Kansas State University, Kentucky Cooperative Extension, University of Maine, Mississippi State University, University of Missouri, University of Nebraska, North Carolina State University, North Dakota State University, Ohio State University, Oregon State University, Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University, Rutgers University, University of Tennessee, Texas A&M University, Utah State University, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Washington State University, University of Wisconsin. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. 


Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.

August 19: National Potato Day    

See/share our Impact Statements about potato research.


U.S. Potato Genebank (NRSP-6)


Over 70% of #potato varieties grown in the U.S.—and all potato varieties released in the past five years—were created using genetic material from the U.S. Potato Genebank. Learn more:

#NationalPotatoDay @AgIsAmerica @USDA_NIFA


Using genetic material from the U.S. Potato Genebank, scientists bred #potatoes with traits that benefit human health. For example, @OSUAgScience bred potatoes with more folate, which helps prevent birth defects. 

#NationalPotatoDay @AgIsAmerica @USDA_NIFA


Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: Colorado State University, Cornell University, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, North Carolina State University, Oregon State University, Texas A&M University, University of Wisconsin, and the USDA-ARS. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. 


Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.


Managing Potato Viruses (WERA-89)

Scientists from the @USDA @uidaho @MSUCollegeofAg @wsucahnrs & @UWMadisonCALS developed virus detection training for potato growers, inspectors, and regulators so they can act quickly and prevent serious losses.



Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: Agdia, Inc, Bejo Seeds, Inc, Colorado State University, Cornell University, University of Idaho, Idaho Crop Improvement Association, Montana State University, Nebraska Potato Certification, Oregon State University, Oregon Cooperative Extension, Washington State University, Washington Cooperative Extension, University of Wisconsin, USDA-APHIS, and USDA-ARS. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. 


Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.

August 20: National Honey Bee Day

Sustainable Solutions to Bee Health (NC-1173)


It’s #NationalHoneyBeeDay! See how @USDA_NIFA-supported land-grant university researchers & Extension specialists are protecting these essential #pollinators:

Learn about issues affecting #honeybees that pollinate our crops & how research can help:

#pollinators #NationalHoneyBeeDay

Extension specialists are sharing findings from a multistate research project on #honeybee health. #Beekeepers following these recommendations have saved 10,000+ honey bee colonies worth millions of dollars in pollinated crops:

As part of a multistate project on #honeybee health, @PurdueAg bred honey bees with increased tendency to bite & remove mites from their bodies, which could eliminate the need for miticides.


Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of Arkansas, University of Connecticut-New Haven, Cornell University, University of Florida, University of Georgia, University of Illinois, Illinois Cooperative Extension, Iowa State University, University of Maine, University of Massachusetts, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, Montana State University, University of Nebraska, University of New Hampshire, North Carolina State University, Ohio State University, Oregon State University, Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University, Rutgers University, Tennessee Cooperative Extension, Texas AgriLife Research, Washington State University, and University of Wisconsin. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. 


Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.


August 28: National Red Wine Day​

Improving Wine Grapes for American Growers and Winemakers (NE-1720)


Land-grant universities are working together to improve the production & quality of American wines by identifying and breeding grape varieties that are better suited to climates & common pests/diseases in the U.S. Learn more: #NationalRedWineDay #redwine


Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: Colorado State University, Cornell University, Highland Community College (Kansas), Iowa State University, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, University of Massachusetts, University of Minnesota, Montana State University, University of Nebraska, North Dakota State University, Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, Rutgers University, South Dakota State University, University of Vermont. This is an ongoing project and may include additional participants. 


Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.


August 30: Anniversary of Second Morrill Act (1890s)

#1890Strong Historically Black colleges & universities were added to the land-grant system on August 30, 1890. See how these HBCU land-grants partner with other universities on multistate agricultural research projects: #1890Strong @AgIsAmerica @USDA_NIFA

National Catfish Month


See/share our graphic series on multistate catfish research.


Catfish are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals & omega-3 fatty acids. See how @USDA_NIFA-supported multistate research projects are making catfish farming more efficient and sustainable: #NationalCatfishMonth

Fisheries & Aquaculture (W-3004)

A team of scientists from #landgrantuniversities is studying labeling practices to help producers of farm-raised catfish make marketing decisions that improve sales. Learn more: #NationalCatfishMonth


To boost catfish sales, scientists from land-grant universities have reduced odors, off-flavors & yellow color in catfish, which can be unappealing. See more ways research is improving catfish production & marketing: #NationalCatfishMonth


Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: : University of Alaska Fairbanks, Auburn University, Clemson University, University of Connecticut, University of Florida, University of Guam, University of Idaho, Iowa State University, Louisiana State University, Mississippi State University, Purdue University, University of Rhode Island, Virginia Tech.


Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.


National Coffee Month​

See/share our graphic about multistate coffee research.


As part of @USDA_NIFA-funded multistate research projects, scientists at @CTAHRNews @cafnr@CSUAgSci are designing technology for coffee production, assessing trade, and studying its effects on human health. Learn more: #CoffeeMonth


National Water Quality Month​

See/share our Impact Statements on water quality.


It’s national #WaterQualityMonth! An award-winning team of researchers are designing drainage structures to reduce runoff from farmland. Check out their impacts: @USDA_NIFA

Protecting #waterquality is essential for food production, public safety, and environmental health. See how a team of scientists is helping farmers manage fertilizers, which provide nutrients to crops but can pollute water if applied improperly. Learn more: #WaterQualityMonth

As part of a multistate research project, #landgrantuniversities are studying the fate and toxicity of agrochemicals. @ucdavisCAES @LSUAgCenter @UNL_CASNR & @OSUAgSci made discoveries about the impacts of pesticides on #waterquality. #WaterQualityMonth

For #WaterQualityMonth, see how members of a multistate project are using nanotechnology to remove pathogens, heavy metals, chemicals & other pollutants from water used for irrigation & drinking: @UCAHNR @CornellCALS @UKAgriculture @UWMadisonCALS #pfas #cleanwater


It’s #WaterQualityMonth! See how researchers at @UConnCAHNR @CornellCALS @UKAgriculture & @UWMadisonCALS are using #nanotechnology to remove pathogens, heavy metals & chemicals from water used for irrigation & drinking: @USDA_NIFA #waterquality

As part of a multistate project, @ACESIllinois @KStateag @CANRatMSU & @VTCals identified ways to remove particulates like pharmaceuticals, arsenic, excess fertilizer chemicals & other harmful substances from water. These innovations protect #waterquality. #WaterQualityMonth

It’s #WaterQualityMonth! As part of a multistate project, researchers at @MSU_AG @NCStateCALS & @VTCals developed drone-based systems for monitoring water quality on a large scale. Learn more:

A multistate team is making sure septic systems protect #waterquality. @uri_cels recommended advanced septic systems to reduce the amount of nitrogen entering coastal waters & @utiag identified ways to remove antibiotics from septic system wastewater. #WaterQualityMonth

An award-winning multistate research project on soil physics has led to discoveries that protect #waterquality. For example, the team’s data & tools have been used to decrease runoff from farmland & minimize contaminated water from mine tailings. 

As part of a @USDA_NIFA multistate project, researchers are studying the economic benefits of #cleanwater. In particular, researchers are measuring the impacts of #waterquality on housing prices, tourism, recreation & more. #WaterQualityMonth


As part of a multistate project on water management & #waterquality, @LSUAgCenter looked at saltwater intrusion in aquifers, @CFANS managed risks to drinking water & @CANRatMSU used floating wetlands to reduce algal blooms in Lake Erie. #WaterQualityMonth


National Wellness Month

See/share our Impact Statements on human health/wellness


It’s #NationalWellnessMonth! See how multistate research projects support human nutrition & wellbeing: These projects are supported in part by @USDA_NIFA #WellnessMonth #wellness #healthyliving

How to use this toolkit?​


This toolkit shares Hatch Multistate projects that are related to timely themes and priority topics as well as materials and sample social media posts you may use to promote the projects. You may adapt the sample posts as as needed.


We encourage you to share our projects and materials in any way you see fit. For example:


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  • Extension events

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