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NRSP-1 Management Committee

Paula Agudelo, Chair, Administrative Advisor (AA)

Jeanette Thurston, Member, Lead AA

Executive Director, NCRA

Christina Hamilton, Member, NIMSS Lead

Assistant Director, NCRA

Bret Hess, Member, AA

Executive Director, WAAESD

Jennifer Tippetts, Member

Administrative Management, WAAESD

Alton Thompson, Member

Executive Director, ARD

Richard Rhodes, Member

Executive Director, NERA

David Leibovitz, Member

Coordinator, NERA

Gary Thompson, Member

Executive Director, SAAESD

Cindy Morley, Member

Coordinator, SAAESD

Bill Miller, Member, AA


Julie Estrada, Member


Robin Williams, Member


Alexis Nazario-Negron, Liaison

PARS Director, NIFA

Faith Peppers, Liaison

Director of Communications, NIFA

Sara Delheimer, Ex-officio

MRF Impacts Program Coordinator 

The Multistate Research Fund Impacts Program (MRF Impacts) was created in 2012 to share the impacts of Hatch Multistate projects. We do this through impact statements, social media, and other materials. MRF Impacts also trains scientists and others to report their impacts.

MRF Impacts is supported by agInnovation, the State Agricultural Experiment Stations, and the Hatch Multistate Research Fund administered by USDA NIFA. 

Program administration and funding is provided by National Research Support Project-1 (NRSP-1)* 

MRF Impacts is overseen by the NRPS-1 Management Committee.


Sara Delheimer serves as Program Coordinator. In this role, she writes, designs, and distributes impact statements; manages @MRFImpacts social media accounts; and facilitates Impact Writing Workshops.

*A National Research Support Project is a particular type of Hatch Multistate project that is not focused on research itself, but rather the development of enabling technologies, support activities, or facilities needed to accomplish high priority research. NRSPs receive off-the-top funding from the Hatch Multistate Research FundNRSP-1 also supports the National Information Management & Support System (NIMSS), a web-based portal for managing the Hatch Multistate Research Fund's portfolio and project participation. 



We produce impact statements to share the accomplishments and impacts of Hatch Multistate projects.

We create toolkits with tips, messaging, and materials to help you promote Hatch Multistate projects.

We share impact statements and other materials and news about Hatch Multistate projects on our @MRFImpacts social media.

We help others share their impacts by providing workshops, tip sheets, and other resources



Land-grant Universities

Hatch Multistate projects are led by researchers at land-grant universities. Land-grant universities are federally designated universities that have traditionally pursued a threefold mission of education, research, and extension in practical fields like agriculture and engineering. Land-grant universities were originally designated in 1862 by the Morrill Act. Many historically Black colleges and tribal colleges were added to the land-grant system by acts in 1890 and 1994, respectively. Today, there is at least one land-grant university in every state and territory.

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Cooperative Extension

To disseminate information gleaned from the experiment stations’ research, the Smith-Lever Act of 1914 created a Cooperative Extension Service associated with each land-grant institution. Many participants of Hatch Multistate projects are Extension educators.

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National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Created by the 2008 Farm Bill, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) is a federal agency within the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) that provides leadership and administers federal funding for programs that advance agriculture-related sciences, including the Hatch Multistate Research Fund.

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State Agricultural Experiment Stations

The Hatch Act of 1887 authorized the establishment of State Agricultural Experiment Stations. At least one land-grant university per state is home to a station. These stations are scientific research centers that investigate potential improvements to food production and agribusines. Federal and state governments, grants, contracts, and product sales fund this research.

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Hatch Multistate Research Fund

The Multistate Research Fund (MRF) supports multidisciplinary, multistate research in which two or more State Agricultural Experiment Stations cooperate to solve problems that concern more than one state. These are commonly referred to as "Hatch Multistate" projects or "multistate research projects." The MRF was established in 1998 as an amendment to the Hatch Act of 1887. Each year, at least 25% of the total Hatch Act funding is allotted for the MRF. The MRF is administered by USDA-NIFA.

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Each State Agricultural Experiment Station participates in a regional association. Collectively, these regional associations are known as agInnovation ((formerly the Experiment Station Section). agInnovation handles business, organization, and policy on behalf of  Experiment Station directors and administrators, provides liaisons to other groups, and promotes Experiment Station research to stimulate institutional collaboration and make the world more food secure. agInnovation operates as a unit of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU). 

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