Throw Some Science on the Barbie!Click the image below to view/download a high-resolution PDF. We encourage you to share this graphic to promote the featured projects and the importance of agricultural research.The following projects are featured in the graphic:Improving Meat ProductionNational Animal Nutrition ProgramThe Northeast Pasture ConsortiumImproving Beef Cattle Genetic EvaluationsControlling Respiratory Diseases in CattleControlling Poultry Respiratory DiseasesControlling Viral Diseases in SwineImproving Beef Production in the Southern U.S.Sustaining Livestock ProductionEmissions from Livestock Facilities Raising Sheep & Goats in the Southeastern U.S. Managing Antimicrobial Resistance in Animal Agriculture Enhancing Food Safety & Quality Managing Food Safety Risks Mitigating Stress in Farm AnimalsImproving Swine Management & Welfare
Click the image below to view/download a high-resolution PDF. We encourage you to share this graphic to promote the featured projects and the importance of agricultural research.The following projects are featured in the graphic:Improving Meat ProductionNational Animal Nutrition ProgramThe Northeast Pasture ConsortiumImproving Beef Cattle Genetic EvaluationsControlling Respiratory Diseases in CattleControlling Poultry Respiratory DiseasesControlling Viral Diseases in SwineImproving Beef Production in the Southern U.S.Sustaining Livestock ProductionEmissions from Livestock Facilities Raising Sheep & Goats in the Southeastern U.S. Managing Antimicrobial Resistance in Animal Agriculture Enhancing Food Safety & Quality Managing Food Safety Risks Mitigating Stress in Farm AnimalsImproving Swine Management & Welfare