National Nutrition Month: "Beyond the Table"
See/share our Impact Statements about nutrition research and Extension.
Sample post:
This #NationalNutritionMonth focuses on farm-to-fork aspects of nutrition. See how collaborative agricultural research projects are improving food production, access, and safety that support good nutrition: @USDA_NIFA @AgIsAmerica
See/share our video featuring nutrition research impacts.
Sample post:
As part of @USDA_NIFA-supported multistate projects, researchers discovered compounds that prevent disease & benefit health, bred crop varieties with higher levels of nutrients & improved access to nutritious foods: #NationalNutritionMonth
Supporting Healthy Habits Among Young Adults (NC-1193)
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: Auburn University, University of Florida, Kansas State University, University of Kentucky, University of Maine, Mississippi State University, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of New Hampshire, University of Rhode Island, Rutgers University, South Dakota State University, Syracuse University, University of Tennessee, West Virginia University.
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
Sample posts:
Going to college is associated with declines in healthy behaviors. Researchers & educators at land-grant universities are working to encourage healthy eating among #collegestudents & ensure campuses provide healthy options. #NationalNutritionMonth
A @USDA_NIFA-supported multistate team designed the Get FRUVED toolkit, which has been used by 90 colleges & 22 high schools to promote healthy behaviors.
As part of a @USDA_NIFA-supported multistate project, researchers created Web Health to promote healthy habits among young adults. The 10-week online program led to lasting increased intake of fruits/veggies. #NationalNutritionMonth
Research & Extension to Support Local Food Systems in the South (SERA-47)
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of Arkansas, Arkansas Cooperative Extension, Clemson University, University of Florida, Florida A&M University Extension, University of Georgia, University of Kentucky, Kentucky Cooperative Extension, Louisiana State University, Louisiana Cooperative Extension, University of Maryland-Eastern Shore, Mississippi State University, Mississippi Cooperative Extension, North Carolina A&T State University, North Carolina State University, North Carolina Cooperative Extension, Oklahoma State University, University of Puerto Rico, Tennessee State University, University of Tennessee, Tennessee Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, Virginia Cooperative Extension, and the Southern Rural Development Center
Learn more on the project's website.
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
Sample posts:
Since 2016, a multistate team has led efforts to support research & Extension that makes local food systems in the South more vibrant, resilient & just: #localfood #NationalNutritionMonth @SAAESD #SouthernAgResearch
*NEW* Nutrient Bioavailability (W-4002)
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of Arizona, University of California, Berkeley, University of California, Davis, University of Connecticut, Cornell University, University of Florida, University of Hawaii, University of Illinois, Iowa State University, Kansas State University, University of Maine, University of Missouri, Montana State University, University of Nebraska, The Ohio State University, Oklahoma State University, Oregon State University, Purdue University, University of Rhode Island
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
Sample posts:
A multistate research project on bioactive food components has provided evidence for general health recommendations as well as personalized, targeted dietary strategies to help consumers prevent, manage, & treat diseases.
National Frozen Food Month
Enhancing Food Safety & Quality (NC-1023)
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of Arkansas, University of California, Davis, Cornell University, University of Delaware, University of Georgia, University of Hawaii, University of Idaho, University of Illinois, Illinois Institute of Technology, Iowa State University, University of Kentucky, University of Maine, University of Maryland, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, Mississippi State University, University of Missouri, University of Nebraska, New Mexico State University, Ohio State University, Oregon State University, Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University, Rutgers University, South Dakota State University, University of Tennessee, Tennessee State University, Texas A&M University, Utah State University, Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, Washington State University, West Virginia Cooperative Extension, University of Wisconsin
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
Sample posts:
As part of a multistate project on #foodsafety, researchers at @ACESIllinois @wsucahnrs & @UWMadisonCALS created packaging, storage & transportation strategies to minimize temperature changes & maintain frozen potato quality: @AgIsAmerica @USDA_NIFA
Food companies are interested in a @CTAHRNews supercooling method because--unlike freezing--it doesn’t make ice crystals that can affect meat texture. The biomedical industry is also interested in using it to preserve tissues & organs.
Researchers at @CANRatMSU @UTIAg & @UWMadisonCALS improved microwaveable frozen veggie bags so they preserve vitamins, antioxidants and physical qualities. #NationalFrozenFoodMonth #foodsafety #stockthefreezer #frostfree
@wsucahnrs researchers developed & licensed a microwave assisted pasteurization systems that kill pathogens during production of chilled & frozen ready-to-eat meals, extending their shelf life. #NationalFrozenFoodMonth #stockthefreezer #frostfree
National Peanut Month
Sample post:
We’re nuts about #NationalPeanutMonth! From more precise irrigation to new peanut varieties with better flavor, land-grant university research is improving peanut production and quality. Learn more: #peanutpower #peanutlover
March 1 | National Pig Day
See/share our Impact Statements about swine research.
Sample post:
It’s #NationalPigDay! See how researchers at land-grant universities across the country are working together to improve swine health & welfare, make pork production more efficient, and minimize its environmental impacts: @AgIsAmerica @USDA_NIFA
Controlling Viral Diseases in Pigs (NC-229)
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: China Agricultural University, Beijing, University of Connecticut, University of Georgia, Hong Kong University, China, University of Illinois, Iowa State University, Kansas State University, University of Maryland, University of Minnesota, University of Missouri, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, North Dakota State University, Ohio State University, Purdue University, South Dakota State University, Virginia Tech, University of Wisconsin. USDA-APHIS, USDA-ARS Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, USDA-ARS National Animal Disease Center, Center for Food Research and Development
(El Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo), Mexico, National Institute of Agricultural Research (El Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones
Agronómicas), Spain, Superior Council for Scientific Research (La Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas), Spain
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
Sample post:
Researchers at land-grant universities developed cost-effective ways to detect, prevent & control viruses that cause disease in pigs. For example, @umncfans air filtration technologies have reduced transmission. #NationalPigDay
March 2 | Anniversary of Hatch Act of 1887 (Establishment of Experiment Stations)
Sample posts:
Happy 137th birthday to our State Agricultural Experiment Stations! Since they were established by the Hatch Act in 1887, Experiment Stations have been responsible for major innovations in agriculture. See how they collaborate to address key issues:
On this day in 1887, the Hatch Act established State Agricultural Experiment Stations at land-grant universities. Stations work together on Hatch Multistate projects to tackle high priority regional & national issues in ag. See their innovations & impacts:
Today is the 137th anniversary of the Hatch Act, which established Agricultural Experiment Stations. The Multistate Research Fund supports collaborations among Experiment Stations to tackle big issues in ag. We communicate the impacts of these projects.
March 8 | International Women’s Day
Sample post:
It’s #WomensDay! Today--and every day--let’s celebrate the women scientists who contribute their time, energy, expertise, and skills to Hatch Multistate research projects. #IWD2024 #InspireInclusion
March 19 | Ag Day
Sample posts:
Happy #AgDay24! This year, we’re celebrating the ways scientists and farmers are growing a climate for tomorrow. See how researchers & Extension educators nationwide collaborate to ensure productive, sustainable agriculture: #AgWeek
Agricultural research supports innovation and sustainability. See how land-grant university researchers work together and with farmers to tackle pests, climate change, food insecurity, and more: #AgWeek #AgDay24
March 19 | National Poultry Day
See/share our Impact Statements about poultry research.
Sample post:
It’s #NationalPoultryDay! See how #landgrantuniversities are working together to ensure poultry welfare, enhance poultry production & reduce its environmental impacts: @AgIsAmerica @USDA_NIFA
Improving Poultry Welfare & Production (NE-1042)
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: Alabama A&M University, University of Arkansas, Auburn University, University of Bern, Switzerland, University of California, Davis, University of Connecticut, University of Delaware, Delaware State University Extension, Georgia Cooperative Extension University of Guelph, University of Illinois, Iowa State University, University of Kentucky, University of Maryland, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, Mississippi State University, University of Nebraska, North Carolina State University, Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University, Texas AgriLife Research, Virginia Tech, University of Wisconsin, USDA-ARS
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
Sample post:
As part of a multistate team safeguarding poultry welfare @UCAHRN developed computer programs to sort chicken vocalizations, helping producer identify & address stress early on. Learn more:
Controlling Poultry Respiratory Diseases (NC-1180)
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: Auburn University, Alabama A&M University, University of Arkansas, University of California, Davis, University of Connecticut, University of Delaware, University of Georgia, University of Illinois, Iowa State University, University of Minnesota, Ohio State University, Purdue University, Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory, USDA-ARS
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
Sample post:
Viruses can harm #poultry performance and egg quality. A multistate team of researchers found ways to inactivate viruses in #eggs and developed better practices for handling eggs to reduce transmission. Learn more:
March 21 | International Day of Forests: "Forests and innovation"
See/share our Impact Statements about forestry.
Sample post:
Forests purify water, clean air, capture carbon, provide habitat, food & medicine, and offer recreational opportunities. See how land-grant universities are working together to develop innovative technology & strategies to safeguard forests. #ForestDay
Eastern White Pine Health Issues (NE-1601)
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of Connecticut, University of Georgia, University of Maine, University of Massachusetts, Michigan State University, University of New Hampshire, University of Nevada, University of Vermont, University of Wisconsin, USDA Forest Service
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
Sample post:
Land-grant universities & the @forestservice are collaborating on innovative tools & strategies to protect eastern white pine trees from pests, pathogens, climate change & other stressors: #ForestDay
March 21 | National Farm Rescuer Day
Agricultural Safety & Health Research and Extension (NCERA-197)
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of California-Davis, University of Illinois, Iowa State University, Kansas State University, University of Kentucky, University of Missouri, University of Nebraska, Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University, University of Tennessee, Utah State University, West Virginia University, University of Wisconsin. Other partners include AgSafe BC, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, Canadian Agricultural Safety Association, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
Learn more on the project's website.
Sample post:
As part of a multistate effort to reduce injury, illness & death on farms, researchers & Extension educators trained over 4,500 emergency first responders on safe, effective procedures for farm rescues. #FarmRescuerDay #firstresponder #agsafety #FarmSafety
March 22 | World Water Day: "Water for Peace"
See/share all our Impact Statements about water research.
Sample post:
This #WorldWaterDay, see how researchers collaborate on innovative ways to conserve water, protect water quality, manage agricultural & stormwater runoff, improve septic tanks & more:
Managing Water Resources (W-3190)
Land-grant universities and partners participating in this project: University of Arizona, University of Arkansas, University of California, Clemson University, Colorado State University, University of Florida, Florida Cooperative Extension, University of Georgia, University of Idaho, University of Illinois, Kansas State University, University of Kentucky, Louisiana State University, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, Mississippi State University, University of Missouri, Montana State University, University of Nebraska, University of Nevada, Nevada Cooperative Extension, New Mexico State University, North Carolina State University, University of Northern Colorado, North Dakota State University, Oklahoma State University, Oregon State University, Purdue University, University of Rhode Island, Rutgers University, Texas A&M University, Texas Tech University, Utah State University, Virginia Tech University, Washington State University, University of Wyoming, NOAA, USDA-ARS, and USDA Forest Service
Find participant names and contact info in the NIMSS database here.
Sample posts:
To alleviate water conflicts & ensure enough water now & in the future, researchers are working together on ways to allocate water fairly & efficiently and make water policies/programs cost-effective & easy to implement: #WorldWaterDay #WaterForPeace
As part of a multistate project, researchers advanced the theory of water trading and provided workshops on water banking. These markets can help balance economic and environmental benefits of water management for all users. #WorldWaterDay #WaterForPeace
Research is helping resolve water conflicts among competing water users by providing info, tools & negotiation strategies that reduce the time & legal resources used to make agreements & increase the likelihood parties agree. #WorldWaterDay #WaterForPeace
How to use this toolkit?​
This toolkit shares Hatch Multistate projects that are related to timely themes and priority topics as well as materials and sample social media posts you may use to promote the projects. You may adapt the sample posts as as needed.
We encourage you to share our projects and materials in any way you see fit. For example:
Social media
Web stories
Grant proposals
Annual reports
Media interviews
Town halls
Congressional testimony
Extension events
Hashtags & Handles

Don't forget visuals!
Social media posts and other types of communication products get more engagement if they include photos or other visual aids.
Search your libraries or the following free image libraries: USDA Flickr, USDA-ARS Image Gallery, Unsplash.
Make sure diagrams or charts can be understood quickly.
Provide attribution as needed.